Salad Servers由实心山毛榉木制成的沙拉搅拌勺,外形看上去就像是一对网球拍,兼具实用性与美观性,当作礼物送给素食主义者、网球爱好者或喜欢趣味设计的朋友是不是再好不过呢?(设计:Matt Chapman)盛夏,气温节节攀升,高温预警似乎每天都在发着警告,柔风夹裹热浪扑面而来,带来闷热的窒息感,人们想尽办法地消暑解热,假日的海边总是挤满了人潮,卖冷饮的店家更是座无虚席。到了夜晚,穿一双简单的人字拖鞋,配上拉风的短裤,即使是转钟过后的凌晨时分,街道两旁的烧烤摊依旧生意兴隆,要上一打生蚝,一盘扇贝再配上几瓶冰啤酒下肚,清凉从从唇间直透心间,销魂得觉得幸福不过如此。
Salad Servers A salad mixing spoon made of solid beech that looks like a pair of tennis racquets, both practical and aesthetically pleasing as a gift for vegans, tennis lovers or like-minded friends (Design: Matt Chapman) Summer, the temperature is climbing, the high temperature warning seems to send a warning every day, the gentle breeze blowing hot wind blowing, bringing a hot feeling of suffocation, people try their best Summer heat to relieve heat, the beach is always packed with crowds of people, sell cold stores is packed. At night, wear a pair of simple flip-flops, shorts and pull the wind, even after the clock in the early hours of the morning, the street stalls on both sides of the barbecue business is still booming, to a dozen oysters, a scallop matched with bottles Cold beer belly, cool from the lip straight through the heart, ecstasy feel happy, but so.