我们以极其兴奋的心情,欢送了伟大的1959年,现在我们浑身充满了干劲,来迎接1960年。我们满怀信心,在今年继续迈着大跃进的步伐,争取更大的成绩。1959年真是不平凡的一年,这一年我国冶金工业和其他各个战线上一样,在党中央和毛主席的英明领导和亲切的关怀下,在党的总路线的光辉照耀下,在轰轰烈烈的群众运动的浪潮中,取得了历史上从来没有过的成绩。看吧: 第一,我们已经超额完成了各项冶金产品的生产任务,取得了比1958年大跃进的速度还高的速度。1958年的大跃进我们洋钢的增长速度是49.5%,而1959年的增长速度则超过了60%。第二,这一年我国冶金工业布局,有了显著的变化。过去许多手无寸铁的省(自治区)建立起自己的钢铁工业,几万吨、几十万吨以至于成百万吨的生产钢铁产品。
With great excitement, we farewell to the great 1959, and now we are full of energy to welcome the 1960s. We are full of confidence and continue our march this year and strive for greater achievements. The year 1959 was an extraordinary one. This year, like other fronts in our country’s metallurgical industry, with the brilliant leadership of the party Central Committee and Chairman Mao and the warm and cordial care of the general line of the party, the vigorous masses In the wave of movement, it has made achievements never seen in history. Look: first, we have over-fulfilled the production tasks of various metallurgical products and achieved a speed higher than the Great Leap Forward in 1958. The Great Leap Forward of 1958 We Yangang’s growth rate was 49.5%, while in 1959 the growth rate exceeded 60%. Second, the layout of China’s metallurgical industry this year has been markedly changed. In the past many defenseless provinces (autonomous regions) set up their own steel industry, tens of thousands of tons, hundreds of thousands of tons or millions of tons of steel products.