Risk Assessment of Disaster Chain: Experience from Wenchuan Earthquake-induced Landslides in China

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xfengxue
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This paper deals with the formative process of the Wenchuan earthquake disaster chain risk. Selected earthquake-landslides chain risk is critically evaluated by the probability of landslide displacement failure based on the Newmark’s permanent-deformation model. In this context, a conceptual model of regional disaster chain risk assessment was proposed, in which the hazardformative environments sensitivity was the core factor as well as the main difference compared with single disaster risk assessment. The disaster chain risk is accumulation of primary disaster risk and the secondary disasters risks. Results derived from the Wenchuan case proved that the conceptual model was suitable for the disaster chain risk assessment, especially the sudden disaster chain. This experience would offer greater potential in application of conceptual model of disaster chain risk assessment, in the process of large-scale disaster risk governance. This paper deals with the formative process of the Wenchuan earthquake disaster chain risk. Selected this lands, landslides chain risk is critically evaluated by the probability of landslide displacement failure based on the Newmark’s permanent-deformation model. In this context, a conceptual model of regional disaster chain risk assessment was proposed, in which the hazardformative environments was the core factor as well as the main difference compared with single disaster risk assessment. The disaster chain risk is accumulation of primary disaster risk and the secondary disasters risks. Results derived from the Wenchuan Case proved that the conceptual model was suitable for the disaster chain risk assessment, especially the sudden disaster chain risk. This experience would offer greater potential in application of conceptual model of disaster chain risk assessment, in the process of large-scale disaster risk governance.
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通过实例的分析 ,可以清楚看到翻译的思维操作包括解构—重组和直观—摹拟两种基本方式 ,前者体现翻译的科学性 ,后者是其艺术性所在 ,二者密切联系 ,不可分割 ,不可偏废。这
为纪念截拳道创始人李小龙诞辰60周年,由美国“李小龙教育基金会”与“振藩截拳道核心”联合主办的“千年龙聚会”于2000年4月27~30日在拉斯维加斯隆重举行。 李小龙夫人琳达、女儿李香凝