Policy variables affecting marginal level of low carbon employment: an empirical study based on prov

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Low Carbon Employment is an inevitable choice for the purpose of “energy saving and emission reduction” and “promoting employment”. By Multi variable Linear Backward Regression method, this study presents an empirical analysis of the employment impact of policy variables indexes that involves economic pull, industry upgrading, population development, technical inputs and so on. The paper demonstrates that wide range of factors will affect low carbon employment, that industry upgrading will affect low carbon employment remarkably, that to increase years of people education will notably improve low carbon employment level of secondary vocational-technical labor, and that to raise technical inputs will significantly enhance college students' low carbon employment. Low Carbon Employment is an inevitable choice for the purpose of “energy saving and emission reduction” and “promoting employment.” By Multi variable Linear Backward Regression method, this study presents an empirical analysis of the employment impact of policy variables indexes that involves economic pull, industry upgrading, population development, technical inputs and so on. The paper demonstrates that wide range of factors will affect low carbon employment, that industry upgrading will affect low carbon employment remarkably, that to increase years of people education will notably improve low carbon employment level of secondary vocational-technical labor, and that to raise technical inputs will significantly enhance college students' low carbon employment.
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