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医院不以病人为中心还能以什么为中心?然而令人遗憾的正是,我们现在不少医院做不到这点。面对这一普遍存在而又亟待解决的问题,国家卫生部于11月21日至23日在沈阳召开全国大医院院长会议,讨论和交流以病人为中心,深化医院改革的若干问题,全国各省、市、自治区卫生厅(局)、卫生部直属院校和数十家大。医院250多位代表参加会议。这次大会使人们得到一个明确的信息:医院改革怎么办?围着病人转! 近年来,中国医科大学附属第一医院等部分医院在全国率先开展了以病人为中心深化改革的工作,大会介绍了这些医院的经验和做法,参观考察了中国医大一院的工作状况,在一些卫生医疗行政主管部门和大医院院长中引起普遍的反响,与会者就这一问题展开了热烈的探讨。 What is unfortunate about the fact that hospitals are not centered on patients? However, unfortunately, many hospitals cannot do this now. In the face of this ubiquitous and urgent problem, the National Ministry of Health held a meeting of national presidents of major hospitals in Shenyang from November 21st to 23rd to discuss and exchange patient-centered issues and deepen the reform of hospitals. Provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions health departments (bureaus), directly under the Ministry of Health and dozens of large schools. More than 250 hospital representatives attended the meeting. This conference made people get a clear message: What about hospital reform? Turn around patients! In recent years, some hospitals, including the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, have taken the lead in carrying out patient-centered reforms in the country. The experience and practices of these hospitals visited and investigated the work situation of the China Medical University Hospital, and caused widespread repercussions in some health administrative departments and major hospital chiefs. Participants conducted a lively discussion on this issue.
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没完没了的战争———中东海湾战火濒燃 /杨道金著 .-北京 :中央文献出版社 ,2 0 0 0 .1 2 .- 483页 ;2 0cm .- $2 5.0 0海湾战争 /军事科学院军事历史研究部著 .-北京 :解放军
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据椰子发展局称,2007年斯里兰卡椰子和椰子产品出口额为185亿卢比,比2006年的138.94亿卢比相比,提高了33%。营销和开发部副部长V Balakrishnan说,斯里兰卡椰子的出口形势看好
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