血友病的研究已进入基因诊断水平 ,但是 ,基层实验室的筛选方法依然是不可缺少的工作。为了提高对血友病的认识 ,进行产前检查及实行优生优育。现将我院 1988年至 2 0 0 1年 13年间住院儿科、内科和外科及门诊、外院送检的病人 ,实验室检查资料较完整的血友病人5 8例作一分析。
Studies of hemophilia have reached the level of genetic diagnosis, but screening methods at grassroots laboratories remain an indispensable task. In order to improve awareness of hemophilia, prenatal care and prenatal and postnatal care. In our hospital from 1988 to 2001, 13 years in pediatrics, internal medicine and surgery and out-patient, the hospital sentinel examination of patients, laboratory tests more complete hemophilia patients for an analysis of 58 cases.