交通部天津航道局新近从日本订购了一艘泥泵功率8000马力的绞吸式挖泥船,上半年在青岛进行交接前的挖泥试验(见附图)。 该船是我国目前最大的绞吸式挖泥船。总长112.2米、总宽19.35米、型深5.8米。挖泥时的平均吃水4.3米、排水量5843.0吨。
The Tianjin Waterway Bureau of the Ministry of Communications recently ordered a cutter-cutter dredger with a power of 8,000 horsepower from Japan. The dredging test was carried out in Qingdao before the handover in the first half of the year (see the photo). The ship is currently the largest cutter suction dredger in our country. It has a total length of 112.2 meters, a total width of 19.35 meters and a depth of 5.8 meters. Dredging the average draft of 4.3 meters, 5843.0 tons of displacement.