珍妮躺在病床上,望着窗外的雨丝,满心的寂寞和酸楚,想倾吐,又不知找谁倾吐。 珍妮是昨天住进医院的,她只记得在“三好学生”的颁奖大会上,她抱着奖状醉了一样地倒下去……醒来时自己已经躺在医
Jenny lay in her bed and looked out at the rain in the window. She was full of sorrow and sorrow. She wanted to pour and I didn’t know who to pour. Jenny was admitted to the hospital yesterday. She only remembered that at the award ceremony of “Three Good Students,” she fell down like a drunken drunk woman... and she was already lying there when she woke up.