
来源 :边疆考古研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwer96669
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一、前言中原地区车马器研究一直是考古学研究的重要内容,但是东北亚地区的车马器由于零星出土不成系统,一直以来很少得到重视。事实上,位于东北亚中心的朝鲜半岛也出土了为数不少的车马器,多年来限于语言和材料等原因并没有被系统整理过。众所周知,朝鲜半岛为多丘陵山地,并不具备使用马车的良好条件。然而,在朝鲜多处区域却均发现有数量不等的车马器,主要出土于木椁墓(木椁墓、木框墓)~([1])、土坑墓、砖室墓等遗迹中,南部地区车马器出土极为零星,多为征集品,已经失去了作为车马器本身 I. Preface The study on the brake system in the Central Plains has always been an important part of archaeological research. However, due to the sporadic unearthed systems in Northeast Asia, it has received little attention. In fact, a large number of carriages were excavated on the Korean Peninsula in the center of Northeast Asia. For years, language, materials and other reasons were not systematically arranged. As we all know, the Korean Peninsula is more hilly and mountainous areas, do not have the good conditions for the use of carriage. However, a large number of horse-riding machines were found in many parts of North Korea. They were mainly unearthed in tombs (wooden tombs, wooden tombs) ~ ([1]), tombs, tombs and other relics In the southern region is extremely sporadic unearthed horses and horses, mostly for the collection of goods, has lost as the vehicle itself