怎样培养学生好学语文的群体意识呢?我认为可以从以下几个方面入手。 一、提高语文教师自身的素质是培养学生好学语文的关键 优秀的语文教师如同全能的演员,一口清晰明亮、抑扬顿挫的普通话,一手飘逸洒脱、悦人心目的文字,一篇结构缜密、辞采华美的文章,无不牵动学生的情思,激励学生的求知欲望,启迪学生的智慧潜能。聪明的语文教师,往往通过学科优势和自身的艺术表达魅力,来吸引、感召学生,使自己成为仿效的榜样和心理向往的核心。无数事实证明,学生打心眼里佩服语文教师,就会下苦功学习语文,取得长
How to cultivate students’ awareness of group awareness in Chinese? I think we can start from the following aspects. I. Improving the quality of Chinese language teachers is the key to cultivating students to learn Chinese. Excellent Chinese language teachers are like all-around actors. They are clear, bright and fluent Mandarin. They are elegant and easy to use. They are well-structured and colorful. Articles, all affect the students’ emotions, inspire students’ desire for knowledge, and inspire students’ intellectual potential. Smart language teachers often attract and inspire students through the advantages of their disciplines and their own artistic expressions, and they become the model of emulation and the core of psychological aspiration. Numerous facts have proven that if students admire Chinese teachers in their hearts, they will work hard to learn Chinese and gain long