Quantum reversible logic circuit synthesis technology is one of the key technologies for constructing quantum computer.In this paper, we propose a two-way synthesis algorithm of quantum reversible logic circuit based on the forward and inverse transform of the array.The algorithm relies on the Hamming distance between two numbers, Rule, a quantum reversible logic circuit with arbitrary given permutations is generated from both the positive and negative directions.The theoretical analysis shows that this method requires a maximum of (n-1) · 2n + 1 generalized Toffoli gates to be integrated with the n-quantum circuit. Compared with the algorithm, the proposed algorithm can reduce the time complexity and space complexity greatly because it does not need exhaustive search. In addition, due to the rational use of extended universal Toffoli gate, the algorithm can combine either permutation (including singular permutation and even Replacement) quantum reversible logic circuit, and the number of quantum gates in the circuit drastically reduced.