A method was established to measure the 129I concentration in a particulate sample by preparing an iodine sample from the atmospheric particulate and using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS). This method was used to measure 129I atmospheric particles in Beijing during the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan in order to explore the role of 129I in environmental monitoring. 129I measurements of atmospheric particulate matter in Beijing show that the 129I concentration of atmospheric particulates on March 26, 2011 was several times higher than normal background value, suggesting that this portion of 129I is derived from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. 129I is an important nuclear fission product. Its origin is peculiar. The long half-life of 129I accumulates in the nuclear reactor for a long time. The 129I-AMS measurement has high regional 129I phenomenon in the early stage of nuclear leakage. Therefore, 129I-AMS measurement has the advantages of radiation safety and emergency monitoring Potential advantages.