引言篇章的连贯可分为局部连贯和总体连贯。“存在于前后相连的句子之间的形式和意义方面的联系称为局部连贯”(van Dijk,T.A. 1985 )。高级汉语学习者成段表达中的局部不连贯现象 ,一直受到对外汉语教学界的关注 ,并一度成为讨论和研究的热点。但是 ,已有的研究多注重偏误分类
The coherence of the introductory chapter can be divided into local coherence and overall coherence. “The connection between form and meaning existing in the connected sentences is called local coherence” (van Dijk, T.A. 1985). The partial incoherence phenomenon of senior Chinese learners in segment expression has been paid more attention to by the TCFL community and has been a hot spot for discussion and research. However, most researches pay more attention to error classification