由福建师大陈天绶、高伯文撰写的《毛泽东七次入闽》(福建教育出版社出版)一书已与广大读者见面了,这是一部具有较高史料价值和学术价值的中共党史学专著,值得庆贺! 该书生动而系统地反映了毛泽东率领红
A book by Mao Tse-chen Chen Shou-shou and Gao Bo-wen written by Mao Zedong in seven times into Fujian (published by Fujian Education Publishing House) has met with readers. This is a monograph on the history of the Communist Party of China with high historical value and academic value , Worth celebrating! The book vividly and systematically reflects Mao Zedong led the red