【摘 要】
患者女 ,15岁。 2 0 0 2年 9月初刺激性干咳 ,伴有胸痛 ,MRI检查发现“左前纵隔占位病变” ,行 (2 0× 15× 15 )cm3 肿块切除术 ,术后病理为“T淋巴母细胞淋巴瘤”。术后第
【机 构】
患者女 ,15岁。 2 0 0 2年 9月初刺激性干咳 ,伴有胸痛 ,MRI检查发现“左前纵隔占位病变” ,行 (2 0× 15× 15 )cm3 肿块切除术 ,术后病理为“T淋巴母细胞淋巴瘤”。术后第 6d出现晕厥 ,低血压 ,再次手术发现肿瘤生长迅速 ,结扎线脱落致出血 ,予再次重新结扎。第 9天出现呼吸
Female patient, 15 years old. At the beginning of September 2002, irritating cough with chest pain and MRI examination revealed “left anterior mediastinum mass lesion,” and line (20 × 15 × 15 cm3) resection of the tumor. The postoperative pathology was “T lymphoblastic lymphoma tumor”. Syncope and hypotension occurred on the 6th day after surgery. Tumor growth was found again in the operation, and the bleeding occurred after the ligature was taken off. The ligation was re-ligated again. Respiratory on day 9
Mr.President Cui Liru,Dr.Qiu Yuanping,Distinguished Delegates,Good moming.First of all,please allow me to extend my thanks to the thoughtful arrangements by CIC
Afghanistan began a journey of historic significance-a journey out of the dark decades of oppression and neglect towards a future of promise and hope.Internatio
The Location and Development of Warlords in the Reconstruction of AfghanistanWarlordism is not a new issue in the reconstruction of Afghanistan.Since modern tim
常言道:“万事开头难。”要想上好一堂数学课,良好的开端是成功的一半。几十年来,我一直努力探索和试验,总结出了数学课的几种导入方法。 一、温故知新导入法 温故知新的教学方法,可以将新旧知识有机的结合起来,使学生从旧知识的复习中自然获得新知识。例如在讲切割定理时,先复习相交弦定理内容及证明,即 “圆”内两条相交弦被交点分成的两条线段长的积相等,然后移动两弦使其交点在圆外有三种情况。这样学生
What happens after 2014 in Afghanistan is generally viewed as a serious challenge to the international community.Although there are high hopes,many countries fe
摘要:自改革开放以来,随着我国社会主义市场经济的逐步建立和发展,注册会计师在社会经济生活中的地位越来越重要,其对市场经济的健康而有序的运行所发挥的监督作用也越来越大。 关键词:注册会计师审计责任;会计责任;防范措施; 一、审计责任的内涵 注册会计师审计责任是一种受托经济责任,独立审计的关键作用是通过其监督、鉴证和评价职能降低或控制所审计的财务信息风险。注册会计师审计责任包括审计职业责任和审计