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日本甜黄金是陕西省咸阳恒发种子有限公司2000年新推广的日本血统露地型厚皮甜瓜新品种,也是目前我国北方露地种植较为理想的厚皮甜瓜品种,在保护地栽培效果更好。 一、日本甜黄金特征特性 日本甜黄金植株繁茂,叶片肥大呈心脏形,叶色深绿。花黄色,雌花多,易坐瓜。瓜呈高圆形,瓜皮金黄色,表面光滑,外观美丽。果肉白色,肉厚3.5厘米,糖度14度,高的可达16度。该品种早熟,全生育期85天,从出苗到雌花开放约40天。坐瓜后25天就已经着色,具有商品价值,可采收上市;完全成熟需要40天,耐贮藏运输。适温贮藏30天风味不变,不倒瓤,品质仍居上乘。上市初期果向清香、甜脆、爽口。 Japanese sweet gold is the new breed of melon of Japanese blood open-type muskmelon newly introduced in 2000 by Shaanxi Xianyang Hengfa Seeds Co., Ltd. It is also the ideal muskmelon cultivar in the open field planted in the northern part of our country. First, the characteristics of Japan’s sweet gold Japanese sweet gold lush plants, leaf hypertrophy heart-shaped, dark green leaves. Flowers yellow, female flowers, easy to sit melon. Melon was tall round, golden yellow skin, smooth surface, beautiful appearance. White flesh, meat thickness 3.5 cm, 14 degrees brix, high up to 16 degrees. The varieties of early maturing, the whole growth period of 85 days, from the emergence of female flowers open about 40 days. Twenty-five days after sitting melon has been coloring, with the value of the goods can be harvested market; fully mature takes 40 days, resistant to storage and transportation. Suitable temperature storage 30 days the same flavor, do not fall 瓤, quality is still superior. The initial listing to the fragrance, sweet crisp, refreshing.