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舞蹈是以人的身体为载体传情达意的,需要身体各个部位由内而外的高度协调与配合,对舞者的身体提出高度的要求,许多舞者在表演和训练中身体经常受到不同程度的损伤。文章结合春晚舞蹈,针对舞蹈表演中的损伤及预防提出个人的观点和建议。从舞者自身内因和外因两个方面来分析,希望通过科学的训练方法提高舞蹈训练的安全性,给每个舞者带来更健康、安全的艺术生命。 Dance is based on the human body as a carrier. It requires that all parts of the body coordinate and cooperate from the inside to the outside, placing high demands on the dancers’ bodies. Many dancers often experience different degrees of performance during the performance and training damage. Combined with the Spring Festival Gala dance, the article proposes personal opinions and suggestions on the damage and prevention of dance performances. From the dancers’ own internal and external causes, they hope to improve the safety of dance training through scientific training methods and bring more healthy and safe artistic life to each dancer.
摘要:作为道路与铁道工程专业的必修专业课程,“沥青与沥青混合料”教学目前仍存在很多的问题。根据实践教学活动,并结合该课程的特点,分别从理论和实验的教学方法和教学手段出发,针对不同专业要求、学生层次、教师业务水平和教材建设等方面提出了相应的改革设想,改革措施的重点和核心是要激发学生学习“沥青与沥青混合料”这门课程的兴趣,以及自主学习的动力和自主创新的实践能力。  关键词:沥青与沥青混合料;教学改革;