从1970年4月到9日,围绕着设 不设国家主席,毛泽东与林彪发生 了尖锐的分歧。这组矛盾的发展与 激化,直接导致了对“文化大革命” 进程有重大影响的“九一三事件”。 然而,对于林彪为什么要坚持 设国家主席,至今也还没有令人信 服的说明。 林彪想当国家主席吗 关于这个问题,许多论著这样 论述:毛泽东提出不设国家主席, 他也不当国家主席;林彪却一反常
From April to 9, 1970, there was a sharp disagreement between Mao Zedong and Lin Biao around setting up a country chairman. The development and intensification of this contradiction have directly led to the “September 13 Incident”, which has a significant impact on the “Cultural Revolution”. However, there is still no convincing explanation as to why Lin Biao insisted on setting up the country’s president. Lin Biao wants to be chairman of the state? On this issue, many treatises are as follows: Mao Zedong proposed that there be no national chairman, nor he should be the president of the country; Lin Biao is an anomaly