Of the 25 patients who had undergone a successful appendectomy (including tonsillectomy and adenoid excision in children and adolescents aged 6 to 14 years and those in the age group of 16 to 30 years old). The results of serum globulin electrophoresis compared with preoperative and postoperative day 1 (postoperative 20 hours) were as follows: (1) α_1-G (G = globulin, same below - translator’s note), although preoperative and postoperative Values are slightly higher, but basically within the normal range of 1.7 to 4.3%. Preoperative was higher than normal in only 1 case. Seventeen patients (68%) were found to be higher than the preoperative one, 8 (32%) less than the preoperative one. Postoperative value exceeded normal in 3 cases, the highest value of 5%. (2) α_2-G, although the preoperative and postoperative values slightly higher, but the basic range of 6.1 to 11.5% of the normal range.