目的了解大学生的人格特征,为开展教育与管理工作提供参考依据。方法运用卡特尔16种人格因素问卷(16PF)进行心理测验,应用SPSS 17.0软件对所得数据进行分析。结果 A乐群性、I敏感性、M幻想性的得分均是高中时的文科生高于理科生(t=3.016,3.667,2.081,P<0.05或P<0.01)。单亲大学生的H敢为性得分高于非单亲大学生(t=2.727,P<0.05)。C稳定性、E恃强性、F兴奋性、H敢为性均是大学生干部得分高于非干部(t=2.612,2.730,2.323,3.781,P<0.05或P<0.01)。恋爱的大学生在A乐群性、F兴奋性、M幻想性、Q 4紧张性的得分高于未恋爱的大学生(t=2.528,2.263,2.630,2.393,P<0.05或P<0.01),而在C稳定性、Q 2独立性、Q 3自律性的得分未恋爱的大学生高于恋爱的大学生(t=-2.348,-2.771,-2.371,P<0.05或P<0.01)。健康方面大学生主观认为好的在C稳定性、E恃强性、F兴奋性、H敢为性、Q 2独立性得分均较高(F=7.917,4.449,11.198,10.752,6.837,P<0.05或P<0.01),而O忧虑性和Q 4紧张性主观认为差的大学生得分较高(F=10.876,7.847,P<0.01)。结论文科生更外向、热情、乐群,敏感,感情用事,幻想;单亲家庭的大学生更善于冒险,敢作敢为,做事少有顾忌;干部学生情绪更稳定,好胜心强,轻松兴奋,敢作敢为,恋爱的大学生更热情,易兴奋,易幻想任性,易紧张;主观认为健康好的大学生情绪更稳定,好强自信,轻松兴奋,敢于冒险,自立自强。
Objective To understand the personality characteristics of college students and provide a reference for carrying out education and management. Methods Sixteen personality factors questionnaire (16PF) were used to conduct psychological tests. The data were analyzed by SPSS 17.0 software. Results The scores of liberal arts, I sensitivity and M imaginary scores were all higher than those of science students in high school (t = 3.016, 3.667, 2.081, P <0.05 or P <0.01). The average score of singleton college students was higher than that of non-single college students (t = 2.727, P <0.05). C stability, E parental safety, F excitability, H courageousness were higher than non-cadres college students score (t = 2.612,2.730,2.323,3.781, P <0.05 or P <0.01). The college students who were in love had a higher score than those who did not love (t = 2.528, 2.263, 2.630, 2.393, P <0.05 or P <0.01) The scores of C stability, Q 2 independence, and Q 3 self-discipline were higher in college students than in love college students (t = -2.348, -2.771, -2.371, P <0.05 or P <0.01). In terms of health, college students considered subjectively good scores of C stability, E-parents, F-excitement, H-dareness and Q 2 independence (F = 7.917,4.449,11.198,10.752,6.837, P <0.05 Or P <0.01), while those with O anxiety and Q 4 stress subjectively perceived poor scores (F = 10.876, 7.847, P <0.01). Conclusions The liberal arts students are more outgoing, enthusiastic, music-based, sensitive, emotional, and fantasy. Students in single-parent families are more adventurous and courageous, with less scruples in doing things. Cadres and students are more emotional, strong and excited. Dare to love college students more passionate, easy to excite, easy to illusion, capricious, easy to feel nervous; subjectively healthy college students emotional more stable, strong and confident, relaxed and happy, dare to take risks, self-reliance.