我在《忆邓小平和国务院政研室》一文中说过。我把政研室的历史分作四个阶段。那篇文章回忆了第一个阶段的情况。按历史顺序,我应该接着回忆第二个阶段即“批邓、反击右倾翻案风”运动中的情况。这是一个很特殊的阶段,其他三个阶段政研室同邓小平都是一种直接的关系,而第二个阶段政研室同邓小平没有直接联系,只是一种间接的关系,即相同的政治命运。回忆这个阶段的文章我想推后些再写,这篇文章我先写第三个阶段即从粉碎“四人帮”到政研室更名的情况。 同政研室的建立一样,政研室的更名也同邓小平
I said in my article “Recalling Deng Xiaoping and the Political Department of the State Council.” I divided the history of the department into four stages. That article recalls the first phase of the situation. In historical order, I should then recall the second phase of “campaign to criticize the case of criticism of the Deng Xiaoping and fight against the rightist”. This is a very special stage. The other three stages of the research room and Deng Xiaoping are both direct relations. The second stage of the research room has no direct connection with Deng Xiaoping. It is only an indirect relationship, that is, the same politics fate. I would like to postpone this article after recalling the articles in this phase. Let me first write a third passage in this article, from the smashing of the “gang of four” to the renaming of the political department. As with the establishment of the Political Department, the name of the Political Department changed with Deng Xiaoping