The discussion about how to improve dance—sport students’ art expression skills

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  【Abstract:】: recently, a number of dance-sport students have increased gradually. However, a majority of the students have only focused on the completion of the movement but not its art expression. I personally believe that many major factors have affected the art expression such as a person’s physical matter, psychological matter, and a dancing partner.
  【Key words】: dance-sport; art expression; affecting matters
  In terms of the exercise phycology and exercise physiology, this article will discuss the dance-sport students’ self-situation and the features of the dance-sport’s expression. This will help improve dance-sport students’ art expression skills. More importantly, it includes dance-sport students’ physical matter, psychological matter, and dancing partner’s matter, which play a very important role in many different areas such as the dance-sport innovation, performance, and appreciation. Also, it provides solutions for a better dance-sport.
  1 factors affecting dance-sport art expression’s physical area
  1.1 the sport-dance students’ concentrating strength structure
  Strength structure is the resistance to balance your body while the muscles are absorbing or nervous. If you want to receive a good record in a competition or performance, you need to have enough energy and good personal physical quality, especially for the explosive force and for the different features to make a good performance. If the performer is lack of the necessary energy storage, it would be difficult to perform well in terms of the muscles and energy storage. Consequently, art expression needs energy storage.
  If the dance-sport students want to improve its physical quality, it needs to increase its five key concentrating exercise including shoulder, upper limb, arm, ankle, and leg.
  1.2the dance-sport students’ flexibility
  in dance-sport, flexibility has the very obvious effect. The dancer with the high degree of flexibility can express her relax body and show her beautiful moves. Different person has different flexibility depends upon her ability to stretch her ligaments and muscles. Also, this has been affected by person’s inborn condition. For instance, the dancer would not be able to perform her waist and breast stretching art expression if the flexibility of her body is in a less range. Indeed, this would effect performance’s quality. Consequently,  different students could improve their flexibility efficiently and effectively, especially after their hard work and daily practices.   2 Psychological factor in art expression
  The excellence of the dance-sport competition relies on the technique skills, strong body, and the psychological matter. The first is the key factor. Strong body and the good psychological quality will ensure the success of the competition in above two skills. If the person has unstable psychological matter, he would be easy to be affected by the outside influences to get nervous. Consequently, he would be easy to make mistakes during the competition. The worse case scenario would let the person get the worst score and eventually get halt during the competition.
  In order to improve the art expression, there are four ways to improve psychological matter: 1, increasing the technique skills to enable your body to face the unexpected accidents. 2, doing the mock exercise as close to real competition as possible to help the students to deal with the uncertainties  3. Warming up your body to increase the circulate of blood to enable the competitors to get relax and perform well during the competition  4. Managing the emotions to be able to get confortable with the music of the competition, more practices would help students’ self-control and confidences
  3 the solutions about how to resolve the dancing partners’ art expression
  3.1 the cooperation with the dancing partner
  the dance-sport students individually pursue their own personalities. Consequently, there will be more inconsistency and conflicts during the two partners. The person’s dance-sport performance  has a very severe requirement on his emotion control. It would be very difficult to express their emotions if there were inconsistencies. Consequently, there would be a very bad result as a result of two partners’ inability to control their emotions.
  3.2 solutions to help the dance-sport partners
  It is often to have conflicts and inconsistencies during the normal daily practices, no matter what kind of components of the dancing partners. First, we should respect every one’s dancing style. You cannot judge or criticize her dancing style in terms of your own personal perspective. Most importantly, you need to find the resonate with your dancing partner after more and more practices. Second, two of you have to communicate well. In some case, there is no communication between two partners especially after the practices. Undoubtedly, people would be difficult to understand the body language. You cannot perform well even you have the perfect solo dancing skills. Thus, cooperation, communication, and practicing will help both partners’ growth on the dancing skills.   4 Suggestions
  The dance-sport students should participate competitions more often. Before the competition, they need to prepare comprehensively in a series of required warming up exercises in order to increase their psychological quality on art expression.  The dancing partners need to communicate, respect, and eventually embrace each other even there are some expected differences and inconsistencies. As a result, this would help his technique skills while at the same time making a better personality. Getting more practices as close to real competition as possible would help students’ improve their confidences and emotions during the competition. Last, having more events to help the students to communicate and learn each other. As a result, this would help the students’ ability to improve their art expression and eventually making themselves great dancers.
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