Award-winners of the First Essay Contest on China-Japan Friendship Visits China

来源 :International Understanding | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:roger84115
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<正>2017 marks the 45th anniversary of the normalization of China-Japan diplomatic ties.In order to boost mutual understanding between people of China and Japan and promote the improvement of bilateral relations,from February22 to 26,2017,at the invi
【正】India,located in the Southern Asian subcontinent,is both a rising power and a developing country.India is an important neighboring country of China and is
Distinguished Vice-President Wang Qishan, Ladies,gentlemen and friends, Good morning!It&#39;s a great pleasure for me to attend the 5th China-Africa People&#39;
Honorable Heads of State,Honorable Minister Song Tao,Honorable Guests and Dear Friends,In the Belt and Road developm ent,we are committed to build in garoad of
在分析道路阻抗构成的基础上 ,分析了运用传统的排队论确定交叉口前排队车辆数的局限和不足 ;根据交通流波动理论 ,提出了计算交叉口排队车辆数的模型 ,最后给出了计算路段和
<正> 洞头乡地处融水县的西北部,与贵州从江县的斗里乡、翠里乡相接壤,是贵州省东南部地区通往柳州的交通要道。全乡土地面积20411.7公顷,其中林业用地面积15082.8公顷,占总
Your Excellency Vice-President Wang Qishan, Your Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen,friends,Good morning!The Congo delegation and I are deeply honored to partic