1996年11月8日,中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(96)贸仲裁字第0484号裁决书的送达,标志着历时一年的河北某进出口公司(下称河北公司)与韩国辛贤商事株式会社(JAE HYUN CORPO-RATION,下称韩国公司)国际货物买卖纠纷仲裁案得到公正裁决。仲裁裁定:韩国公司支付河北公司货款50.9万美元及利息2.5万美元。虽然河北公司获得了胜诉裁决,但由于韩公司负责人金圣钟藏匿,该韩国公司亦无偿付能力,致使已经生效的仲裁裁决至今得不到执行,给河北公司造成了难以挽回的经济损失。请大家特别注意本文中“案例分析”部分。该部分对不法外商如何诈骗做了深入的分析。
On November 8, 1996, China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (96) Arbitration Award No. 0484 served on the award, marking a year-long Hebei Import and Export Company (hereinafter referred to Hebei Company) and South Korea Xinxian Commercial JAE HYUN CORPO-RATION (hereinafter referred to as the Korean company) arbitration of disputes over the sale of international goods was fairly adjudicated. Arbitration ruling: South Korean company to pay 500,000 US dollars and interest of Hebei company 25,000 US dollars. Although Hebei Company won the verdict of victory, the South Korean company, incapable of being solicited by Kim Seung-jong, the head of Korean company, has no solvency. As a result, the effective arbitration ruling has not been implemented yet, causing irreparable economic losses to Hebei Company. Please pay special attention to the “case study” section of this article. This part of the unscrupulous foreign investors how to make a fraud analysis.