随着人们生活水平和收入的提高,普遍对美的追求愈来愈强烈,经济收入的增长为美容外科的开展打下了物质基础,而整形外科技术的进步又为实现手术美容提供了有利的条件。一般来说,美容方法可分为生活美容和医学美容两大类。生活美容是以化妆、美发和面部按摩等为主要内容;而医学美容,主要是利用手术方法对人体进行美化。一个成功的美容手术不仅能使丑形改观,而且使人们在精神上得到欣慰。 众所周知,任何手术都会带来一定的损伤,会留下大小不等、形状各异的切口疤痕。如果手术适应症掌握得好,设计合理,构思巧妙,术后疤痕细小,位置隐蔽,的确可以获得比较满意的美容效果,达到美化外貌的目的;相反,手术适应若选择不当,设计欠妥,
With the improvement of people’s living standard and income, the pursuit of beauty is more and more common. The increase of economic income has laid a material foundation for the development of cosmetic surgery. The progress of plastic surgery has provided favorable conditions for cosmetic surgery. In general, the beauty method can be divided into two categories of life beauty and medical beauty. Beauty of life is based on makeup, hair and facial massage as the main content; and medical beauty, mainly the use of surgical methods to beautify the human body. A successful cosmetic surgery can not only make the ugly change, but also make people happy in the spirit. As we all know, any operation will bring some damage, will leave the size of different shape scar incision. If the operation indications well mastered, well-designed, clever concept, postoperative scar small, hidden position, can indeed get more satisfactory cosmetic results, to beautify the appearance of the purpose; the contrary, if the improper selection of surgical adaptation, improper design,