【摘 要】
1 finally arrived in September, Jing Qiu top job well done. She goes to work in the canteen during the day and can not go anywhere. She got off work at night, and her mother got off work too. In addition to not meet with the third child, quiet autumn life can be said that sesame blossom festival high. The first happy thing is she started to receive a salary. 2 Even more pleasing is that his brother was recalled K City, into a central directly under the enterprise. Director Wang Jingqiu mother revealed a little internal news, said he mentioned with the school, the school at an appropriate time, let Jingqiu come out to teach. Eight such places, across the river, few people are willing to transfer from the city.
据《Scientia Horticulturae》的一篇研究报道(doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2016.05.002),来自巴西圣玛利亚联邦大学的Gustavo Brunetto等人研究了不同时间施用不同量的尿素15N氮
请你回答下列问题,在符合或接近你实际情况的问题后面打上“√”。 (1)你早晨懒得起床吗?( ) (2)公共汽车开来了,你不想跑着赶上去吗?( ) (3)你上楼时常绊脚吗?( ) (4)你不
One morning, Sanggat, an eight-year old pupil of mine, knocked on my door; he was here to help me sweep my quarters1! He noticed some thick books neatly arranged on my reading table. Curiously he ask
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