Since the human body is composed of a large number of articulated joints whose center of weight is higher than the fulcrum and the area of the bearing shape is small, it is an extremely important issue to maintain the natural upright posture of a human being. To solve this problem, Series of reflective chains. In a book written jointly by BC Gulfin Kerry (BC), Institute of Information Transmission at the Soviet Academy of Sciences, and C. Morley, Japan’s Asahikawa Medical School, they present an experiment on the above subject: The support platform for rhythm of different frequencies of the front and rear tilt, the knee muscles in this condition, the electrical activity generated, changes in the angle of the tibia and the human body movements are recorded. It can be determined that the change in the angle in the tibia is in phase with the platform motion. There is a phase shift between the movement of the platform and the swing of the human body and head, which movement depends on the disturbing effect