17岁的美国女孩劳拉·海契,是华盛顿州西雅图 市人。今年10月2日晚,海契在参加一个朋友聚会之 后,在驾驶她的丰田汽车回家途中离奇失踪,海契的 父母立即向警方报案。 在搜索过程中,警方向整个华盛顿州警察局发放 了寻人启事。但是经过6天6夜的地毯式搜索之后,海 契依然仿佛人间蒸发一般,音讯皆无。10月9日,海 契的父母抱着最后一线希望,组织亲朋好友成立了一 个志愿搜索队,海契一名好友的母亲诺哈尔也是搜索 队成员之一。 9日晚上,诺哈尔在经过一天紧张的搜寻工作之
Laura Hatcher, a 17-year-old American girl, is a Seattle city in Washington. On the evening of October 2, this year, after participating in a friend’s party, the Haici bizarre missing on the way home to drive her Toyota Motor Company. The parents of the seafaring team immediately reported the case to the police. During the search, the police issued a tracing notice to the entire Washington State Police Department. However, after 6 days and 6 nights of carpet search, the Haitian still seemed to have evaporated as usual. On the 9th of October, Hazard’s parents held the last glimmer of hope and organized a volunteer search team of friends and relatives. One of the members of the search team is Hazard’s mother, Nohaar. On the evening of the 9th, Noah’s after a day of intense search job