Besieged City is a unique style of satirical novels in the history of modern literature. It depicts a lifelong well-behaved map of life’s ups and downs of all kinds of flavor which have been vividly reflected. Mr. Qian Zhongshu will own language genius, extremely profound knowledge, and then add some satirical humorous spices, a book and country. This is an interesting book. It is a wise book, because it is interesting because of a wise man’s insight and ridicule of humanity. Besieged City shows us how a real intelligent man looks at his life and how to express his “outlook ” and “sense ” in words that all writers must use. The original novel can be written like this, the novelist’s high realm also has such a. It can be said that the charm of Fortress Besieged is twofold: First, life itself is shown by writers. First, writers show themselves.