小学低年級儿童的写字练习,必須在通过識字教学,把課文中生字的各种笔画和名称、书写笔順、結构单位和常見的偏旁部首名称教给儿童的基础上,进行指导。这样,不但可以使儿童逐漸获得写字的熟练技巧,而且也起了巩固識字的作用。 1 关于教材:在一年級,必須結合閱讀教材,在分析字形的基础上,指导儿童作由生字——生詞——包含生詞的短句或短文的书写练习。对字的笔画、結构单位、
The writing practice of children in the lower grades of elementary school must be guided by the teaching of children through teaching of literacy, teaching various strokes and names, writing strokes, structural units and common radical names in the text. In this way, not only can children gradually acquire the skill of writing, but also play a role in consolidating literacy. 1 on the textbook: In the first grade, we must guide the children on the basis of reading the textbooks, based on the analysis of the characters, from the words - new words - phrases or phrases containing new words writing practice. The strokes of the word, the unit of structure,