Why more attentions to fetus in cases of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy?

来源 :World Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oklizheng
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Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy(ICP) is a peculiar disease in middle-late pregnancy with the pathological characteristics of hepatic capillary bile duct silts and is accompanied by clinical presentations of pruritus and bile acid(BA) elevation in serum. Maternal outcomes for patients diagnosed with ICP are usually good. However, fetal outcomes can be devastating with high frequencies of perinatal complications. Patients with ICP generally have an early delivery due to fetal complications. The current hypothesis is that ICP has higher frequencies of fetal complications due to high concentrations of BA which has toxic cellular effects to many organs. In lungs, it destroys the AT-II cells, decreasing phospholipids synthesis leading to the alveolar capillary permeability to increase and pulmonary surfactant to decrease. In heart, cholate can cross into the fetal compartment and causing fetal arrhythmias and decreased contractility. In the nervous system, high BAs can cause nerve cell denaturation and necrosis, mitochondria edema and membrane dissolve. In the placenta, high BA concentration can cause edema of the villous, decrease number of villous, intervillous thickening and balloon formation.In addition, high total BA can result in chorionic vein constriction and impaired fetal adrenal function. Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is a peculiar disease in middle-late pregnancy with the pathological characteristics of hepatic capillary bile duct silts and is accompanied by clinical presentations of pruritus and bile acid (BA) elevation in serum. Maternal outcomes for patients diagnosed with ICP, are often good. However, fetal prognosis can be devastating with high frequencies of perinatal complications. Patients with ICP generally have an early delivery due to fetal complications. The current hypothesis is that ICP has higher frequencies of fetal complications due to high concentrations of BA which lungs, it destroys the AT-II cells, reducing phospholipids synthesis leading to the alveolar capillary permeability to increase and pulmonary surfactant to decrease. In lungs, it destroys the AT-II cells, reducing phospholipids synthesis leading to the alveolar capillary permeability to increase and pulmonary surfactant to decrease. arrhythmias and decreased contractility. In the nervous system, high BAs can cause nerve cells denaturation and necrosis, mitochondria edema and membrane dissolve. In the placenta, high BA concentration can cause edema of the villous, decrease number of villous, intervillous thickening and balloon formation.In addition, high total BA can result in chorionic vein constriction and impaired fetal adrenal function.
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