彼特.哈勃和马克.密尔斯的“与 互联网相关的设备消耗了全美电力的8%”的分析和文章《互联网从煤开始》.引发了一场持续近半年的争论.辩论双方包括经济学家和能源利用专家。在这场见仁见智的争论中.舆论的价值也成了一些人批评的目标。 对于哈勃和密尔斯的观点.持反对?
Pitt. Hubble and Mark. Mills’ “Internet-related devices consume 8% of the nation’s power” analysis and the article “The Internet starts with coal.” Triggered a controversy that lasted nearly six months. Both sides of the debate include economists and energy experts. In this debate of opinion. The value of public opinion has also become the target of some people’s criticism. For Hubble and Mills point of view. Opposition?