1992年的秋天,内蒙古锡林浩特监狱来了一位新领导,他叫史玉璋。他清瘦稍长的脸上看起来有些虚弱,但一双炯炯有神的眼睛却闪烁着对事业追求的光芒,使人感到他身上有一股让人敬畏的朝气,他是一个外柔内刚的人。在上任的那天,他没有什么惊天动地的豪言壮语,只是说:“我想把监狱工作搞好,如果搞不好,我也就不当这个监狱长了。” 当时的锡林浩特监狱虽有近50年的发展历史,但以往由于地处经济落后地区,加之文革期间的摧残和撤销,复建后的锡林浩特监狱到90年代初期已是举步维艰,基础设施、技术装备、监管改造条件十分简陋陈旧,人员拥挤,面临着再度被撤销的命运。 走马上任的史玉璋,为了使监狱尽快摆
In the autumn of 1992, a new leader came to Xilinhot Prison in Inner Mongolia. He was called Shi Yuzhang. His thin, slightly longer face seemed a bit weaker, but a pair of sparkling eyes flashed the light of his career, giving him an awesome feeling of vitality. He was a gentleman . He did not have any earth-shattering rhetoric on his appointment, just saying: “I want to improve the prison work, and if not, I will not be the prison chief.” Although there was nearly 50 years of development in Xilinhot Prison History, but in the past because of its location in the economically underdeveloped areas and the devastation and revocation during the Cultural Revolution, the restored Xilinhot Prison was in a difficult situation in the early 1990s. The conditions of infrastructure, technical equipment and supervision and reform were very simple, crowded and faced The fate of being withdrawn again. Shi Yuzhang taking office, in order to make the prison as soon as possible