Faced with the challenges of “human rights diplomacy” in Western countries and the objective reality of many disagreements between the Chinese and Western human rights perspectives, this essay examines the root causes of disagreements on the concept of history from the perspective of methodological principles and methods. On the principle of methodology, the article holds that the different answers to the questions about the relationship between the methods of scientific understanding and the methods of value recognition are the watershed which distinguish the methodological principle of materialist conception of history from the methodological principle of humanistic view of history. The article summarizes the methodological sources of disagreement As follows: the method of historicism and logicism, the method of collectivism and individualism, the method of objectivism and subjectivism, the method of realism and the method of idealism and so on. These methods, under the guidance of the methodological principles of materialism and humanistic concept of history, are the historical and logical aspects of the origin of human rights, the collective and individual nature of human rights bodies, the objectivity and selectivity of human rights content, Constraints to the realization of human rights