社会上总有一些人置国家法律于不顾,采取一切非法手段,大肆偷逃国家税收,狂敛不义之财,以满足自己日益膨胀无度的私欲,自以为得计,最终落得个聪明反被聪明误的可耻下场。最近,西安市公安机关侦破的几起涉税案,再一次告诫人们:伸向国税之手必被捉! 欲壑难填坠深渊的村妇 2002年3月5日,一个欲望不断膨胀,直至走上大肆虚开增值税专用发票犯罪道路的女人颜敏,在西安市被依法逮捕。 颜敏今年44岁,福建南安市农民,是一个识不了几个字的文盲,但追求金
In the community, there are always people who disregard state laws and take all illegal means to wantonly steal state taxes and mad the unjust enrichment so as to satisfy their ever-expanding selfish desires. Clever erroneous shameful end. Recently, several cases of tax-related crimes detected by the public security organs in Xi’an once again warn people that the hand that reaches the national tax will be caught! The villagers who are desperate for the abyss to fall into the abyss March 5, 2002 A desire to continue to expand Yan Min, a woman who wound up the crime of VAT invoicing, was arrested in Xi’an according to law. Yan Min, 44, a farmer in Nanan City, Fujian Province, is a literate person who can not read a few words. However,