It is found that the near-atomic Ni-Ti alloy samples with different heat treatment (solution heat treatment and aging) process will have different phase transformation order when they are cooled: except B_2 (mother phase) → I (uncoordinated phase) → R phase → M (martensite phase) and B_2 → M, B2 → M occurs before phase I, before R phase or before R → M. Increasing the solid solution temperature makes the matrix rich in Ni, so that Ms ~ (B_2 → M) and T_R decrease, but the formation of isomorphous atoms is favorable. The parental ordering increased T_R and Ms ~ (R → M) decreased. Aging occurs in the ordering and precipitation of the two processes. Increasing the solid solution temperature increases T_R first at 700-750 ° C and then at 750 ° C or lower. Incommensurate phase transitions may also be driven by atomic-plane displacement condensation. R phase transition is beneficial to shape memory effect, the paper proposed a possible explanation. R relative to the two-way shape memory effect contributes about 1/3.