This article describes a variety of venturi conduction that occurs outside of the atrioventricular junction, including the atypical sinoatrial Venträn phenomenon, the Venn phenomenon in the reentry pathway, the aventricular aventricular wench phenomenon, the ventricular von Wiener phenomenon, the ectopic rhythm Point out of the block Wen’s phenomenon (including the phenomenon of Wen’s parallel contraction of the outgoing), atrioventricular bundle branch Wen phenomenon and atrioventricular bundle Vice Wen’s phenomenon. Many of these legends are rarer. This article shows that from conventional ECG, through careful measurement and analysis, can make more reliable conclusions. This article gives a brief introduction of the significance of the Venn phenomenon occurring in various parts of the heart. Some are the result of serious heart disease, some are the manifestation of drug poisoning, some have no evidence of heart disease, the cause is unknown. Judgment and conclusion in this respect should be added careful.