Spectral Analysis of the Light Flash Produced by a Natural Dolomite Plate Under Strong Shock

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sivi1818
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In order to obtain the elemental compositions of the projectile and target materials during 2A12 aluminum projectile shot on a natural dolomite plate,three kinds of experiments have been conducted using a spectral acquirement system established on a two-stage light gas gun for impact velocities ranging from 2.20 km/s to 4.20 km/s,at the same projectile incidence angle of 30°.Experimental results show that the elemental compositions of the projectile and target materials in the strong shock experiments have a good agreement with the original elemental compositions of the projectile and target.In addition,the relations between spectral radiant intensity and elemental compositions of the projectile and target materials have been obtained for different impact velocities,in which the spectral radiant intensity of the main elements in the material increases with increasing impact velocity,and more elements appear with increasing impact velocity since more energy would result from a higher velocity impact. In order to obtain the elemental compositions of the projectile and target materials during 2A12 aluminum projectile shot on a natural dolomite plate, three kinds of experiments have been conducted using a spectral acquirement system established on a two-stage light gas gun for impact velocities ranging from 2.20 km / s to 4.20 km / s, at the same projectile incidence angle of 30 ° .Experimental results show that the elemental compositions of the projectile and target materials in the strong shock experiments have a good agreement with the original elemental compositions of the projectile and target.In addition, the relations between spectral radiant intensity and elemental compositions of the projectile and target materials have been obtained for different impact velocities, in which the spectral radiant intensity of the main elements in the material increases with increasing impact velocity, and more elements appear with increasing impact velocity since more energy would result from a higher v elocity impact.
由中国科学院学部委员,南开大学高分子化学研究所所长何炳林教授主编的英文版期刊《CRinese Journal of Reactive Polymers》,经国家科委批准正式出版,并向国内外公开发行。
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