良性骨母细胞瘤少见,多发生在青年的长骨或脊椎,也可见于其它骨,而发生在上颌骨者,国内尚少见报道。现报道1例如下: 患者,男性,19岁。1974年8月6日入院。主诉为左侧进行性鼻阻4年,近1年更甚,伴左面颊部胀感,最近因发现突起及小量鼻衄而来院就诊。检查见左面颊部隆起、眶下方饱满,左眼球略向上移位,左鼻腔外侧壁向内侧膨
Benign osteoblastoma is rare and occurs mostly in young people’s long bones or spines, but also in other bones. It occurs in the maxilla and is rarely reported in China. One reported case is as follows: Patient, male, 19 years old. Admitted to hospital on August 6, 1974. The chief complaint was that the left nasal block was progressive for 4 years, even worse in the last year, with a feeling of left cheek swelling, and recently came to the hospital because of a protrusion and a small amount of nasal discharge. Check the left cheek uplift, full under the iliac crest, the left eye ball slightly upward shift, the left nasal cavity lateral wall to the inside of the expansion