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许多预料中能改变肿瘤细胞热敏感性的因素会受到肿瘤种植位置的影响。这些因素包括缺氧、营养缺陷和pH、加热时血流分布及血管扩张的程度。将一个能转移的肉瘤(SAF)种植到尾、腿、胸腔和脚研究了上述诸因素。初步得知,正常的生长温度看来是主要因素,这与体外研究一致,即适应不同生长温度的细胞有不同的热敏感性。种植肿瘤于胸、脚、尾的皮下及腿肌中,水浴肿瘤(42.8℃1hr)结合X线梯度剂量,从一对再生长延迟曲线来测定热增比(TERs)。很明显,热增比主要是由加热本身而引起的生长迟缓所致,仅小部分归于加热辐射增敏。TER从腿中最小到尾部最大不等。 Many factors that are expected to alter the thermal sensitivity of tumor cells will be affected by the location of the tumor. These factors include hypoxia, auxotrophy and pH, the distribution of blood flow during heating, and the degree of vasodilation. A transplantable sarcoma (SAF) was implanted into the tail, legs, chest and feet to study the above factors. Initially, the normal growth temperature appears to be the main factor, which is consistent with in vitro studies, ie cells adapted to different growth temperatures have different thermal sensitivities. Tumors were implanted in the subcutaneous and leg muscles of the chest, feet, and tail. The water bath tumors (42.8°C for 1 hr) were combined with X-ray gradient doses to determine the heat-to-rise ratio (TERs) from a pair of regrowth delay curves. Obviously, the heat increase ratio is mainly caused by the growth retardation caused by heating itself, and only a small part is attributed to the sensitization of heating radiation. The TER ranges from the smallest to the largest in the legs.
粘液性类癌甚为少见,1983年本院在外检标本中遇到1例,除H.E染色外,并做了改良Grime-lius嗜银,,Fontana-Masson亲银,Alcian兰(pH2.5)、PAS,铅苏木素染色,现报道如下: 蒋××,
人原发性肝癌、7402细胞株及髓细胞白血病K562的DNA对NIH 3T_3转化,已获得第二代以上的转化细胞株。用各种癌基因探针进行分子杂交,证明上述转化细胞株中共同存在人的N-ras
“双途径化疗(Two route chemotherapyTRC)”,系给肿瘤局部引入大剂量抗癌药物,全身则给予解毒剂,以降低毒性提高疗效。本实验研究顺铂(DDP)合用硫代硫酸钠(STS)的TRC 对晚
同一宿主同时(6个月以内)或异时(超过6个月)发生两个以上的原发癌,称多原发癌。本组报告与鼻咽癌组合的双原发癌8例。 8例的详情见表。组合情况为:鼻咽-上颌窦2例,鼻咽-舌2
我院1964年4月~1981年12月收治大肠癌1,011例(结肠癌368例,直肠癌606例,肛管癌37例),其中30岁以下有78例,占7.7%。仅1例失访,随访率为98.7%。临床资料(一) 性别和年龄:男41例