用尾部浸入法来控制鼠类感染血吸虫尾蚴已有多种方法(Oliviev和Stirewalt, 1952, J·parasitol, 38: 19~23; Bevios-Duran, 1955, J·parasitol 41; 641~642; Stirewalt和Bwnson, 1955, J. paraoitol 41: 328: Viyanant, 1977, Southeast Arian J·Trop, Mesl, Pub Heth 8: 415~416).本文描述的控
Several methods have been used to control murine infection of cercariae with murine infection by the tail immersion method (Oliviev and Stirewalt, 1952, J. Parasitol, 38: 19-23; Bevios-Duran, 1955, J. Parasitol 41; 641-642; Stirewalt and Bwnson, 1955, J. paraoitol 41: 328: Viyanant, 1977, Southeast Arian J. Trop, Mesl, Pub Heth 8: 415- 416)