Automatic medical image analysis shows that image segmentation is a crucial task for any practicalAI system in this field. On the basis of evaluation of the existing segmentation methods, a new imagesegmentation method is presented. To seek the perfect solution to knowledge representation in low levelmachine vision, a new knowledge representation approach—— “Notebook” approach is proposed andthe processing of visual knowledge is discussed at all levels. To integrate the computer vision theorywith Gestalt psychology and knowledge engineering, a new integrated method for intelligent imagesegmentation of sonargraphs —— “Generalized pattern guided segmentation” is proposed. With the meth-ods and techniques mentioned above, the medical diagnosis export system for sonargraphs can be built.The work on the preliminary experiments is also introduced.
Automatic medical image analysis shows that image segmentation is a crucial task for any practicalAI system in this field. On the basis of evaluation of the existing segmentation methods, a new imagesegmentation method is presented. To seek the perfect solution to knowledge representation in low levelmachine vision a new knowledge representation approach - “Notebook ” approach is proposed and the processing of visual knowledge is discussed at all levels. To integrate the computer vision theory with Gestalt psychology and knowledge engineering, a new integrated method for intelligent image segmentation of sonargraphs - “Generalized pattern guided segmentation ” is proposed. With the meth-ods and techniques mentioned above, the medical diagnosis export system for sonargraphs can be built. The work on the preliminary experiments is also introduced.