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西安市位于陕西省中部,渭河平原的腹地,东北面东面与渭南市为邻,北面与咸阳市相连,南面与商洛、安康、汉中3地市相接,西部同宝鸡市相连。东西长200km,南北宽112km,面积9963km~2。西安市境南依秦岭,中西部北临渭河,东部渭河横贯其间,总体地势南高北低,南部为秦岭山地及秦岭北麓的低山丘陵,北部为河川平原。渭河沿市境北部从西向东流淌,接纳泾水后横贯本区东部,把市境东部分为南北两部分,北部平原从东向西有来自北山山脉的清河、石川河、泾河汇人渭河。渭河以南从东向西有源自秦岭的零河、玉川河、沙河、潼河、临河、灞河、浐河、沣河、涝河、甘河、白马河、耿峪河、赤峪河、黑河等十几条小河由南向北汇 Xi’an is located in the middle of Shaanxi Province, the hinterland of the Weihe Plain, east of the northeast to Weinan City, adjacent to Xianyang in the north, Shangluo, Ankang and Hanzhong in the south, and Baoji City in the west. East and West 200km long, 112km wide from north to south, an area of ​​9963km ~ 2. The southwest of Xi’an is Qinling Mountains. The Weihe River lies in the northwest and the Weihe River in the east runs through it. The overall topography is high in the south and low in the north. The southern part is the hilly area in the Qinling Mountains and the northern foot of the Qinling Mountains. The northern part is the plains of the river. The Weihe River flows from west to east in the northern part of the city. After receiving the Jing River, it traverses the eastern part of the district. The east part of the Weihe River flows into the north and south parts. From the east to the west, the Weihe River flows into the Weihe River, the Qinghe River, the Ishikawa River, . From the east to the west of the Weihe River, there are three major river basins: the zero river, the Tama River, the Shahe River, the Tong River, the Linhe River, the Bahe River, the Bahe River, the Bahe River, the Liaohe River, the Ganhe River, the Baima River, the Gengyu River and the Red Valley River , Heihe River and a dozen other small river from south to north
埃及金字塔被誉为世界七大奇迹之一,包括著名的吉萨三大金字塔在内,仅被确认的就有80 多座金字塔沿尼罗河分布着。“埃及金字塔是过去的历史中最有象征意义的奇迹,这些呈几何
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亚历山大大帝对西方世界历史的影响是巨大的。一方面, 他是西方世界无法征服的军事天才;另一方面,他创造了让人梦想的理想社会和没有任何限制的独裁。这些观念,已经深深融入