好的命名,可以令商品复活,在一目了然中抢尽商机。我们已迎来一个“形象挂帅”的时代,名正才能言顺,这是企业经营获胜的头一关。 “老张牛肉面”、“小胖子面包行”、“大老王米粉” 之类的传统命名时代已经落伍了,靠测字、算命的方式也不管用了,新时代的商品命名已成为一门学问和艺术。给商品起一个好听的名字,可以缩短商品到强劲品牌的距离,其秘诀不外乎六大方面,归纳为六言真经: 真经之一:命名要别出心裁 “语不惊人死不休”,命名不要步人后尘,杜绝与其他品牌雷同,如果你能与一些常见的名字敬而远之,你就有可能让人耳目一新,在短期内记住你的品牌。去年可口可乐(中国)公司推出的饮料“酷儿”就是一例,命名来源于大家喝饮料时发出的声音声,这一别出心裁的命名方式,让品牌独具个性,即使在淡季也旗开得胜。
Good naming, you can make the goods revived, at a glance, rob the business opportunities. We have ushered in an era of “image-oriented” and we are able to make a name for ourselves. This is the first step in the success of business operations. The traditional naming era such as “Lao Zhang Beef Noodle”, “Little Fat Bread Line” and “Lao Wang Rice Noodle” has become obsolete. The way of measuring words and fortune-telling also does not work, and the naming of goods in the new era has become one Learning and art. Give a good name for the product, you can shorten the distance from the product to a strong brand, the secret is nothing more than six aspects, summed up in six words: Scripture one: named to be creative “language is not astonishing”, named Do not follow the footsteps and eliminate the same as other brands, if you can stay away from some common names, you may be refreshing, remember your brand in the short term. Last year, Coca-Cola (China) introduced the beverage “Queer” is an example, named after everyone drinks the sound of the sound, this ingenuity naming, the brand unique personality, even in the off-season also open victory.