广州几处富有特色的创意园都是由旧厂房改建而来,1850创意园也不例外,它的前身是金珠江双氧水厂,园区内随处可见当年工业生产的遗迹。经过改造,融入了鲜明的现代艺术创作气息。前卫时尚的创意园为何要用1 850为名呢?据史载:1842年,中国在鸦片战争失败后签订了不平等条约,厂州成了唯一的开放口岸,白鹅潭万商云集,经过短短的8——10年时间,1850年广州的经济总量和人口总数在当时世界十大城市排名第四,所以,1 850年是厂州最辉煌的一个年份,这段历史是很值得我们缅怀的。广州一向具有的兼容并蓄的文化胸怀
Several creative parks in Guangzhou are rebuilt from the old factory building. The 1850 Creative Park is no exception. Its predecessor was the hydrogen peroxide plant in Jinzhu River. The relics of industrial production in the park can be seen everywhere. After transformation, into a distinctive modern art atmosphere. According to the history: In 1842, China signed the unequal treaties after the failure of the Opium War, and the factory state became the only open port. According to historical records, Baiwan Lake tended to gather, In the short span of 8 to 10 years, Guangzhou’s economy and population in 1850 ranked fourth in the world’s top ten cities at that time. Therefore, 1850 was the most brilliant year in the state. This history is worthwhile We remember. Guangzhou has always had a culture of inclusiveness