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90多年前,新文化运动蓬勃兴起。这场声势,浩大的运动,从一开始就充满激烈的论争,这种论争,以及对它们的价值判断,直到现在依然存在争议。但在最基本的价值立场上,我们不得不感谢当年鲁迅、胡适这样的新文化干将,除了今日可见的丰硕新文化运动成果,还有一个最重要的内在原因,那就是创新的勇气和智慧。倘若没有这样的勇气和智慧,我们没法想象会有今日的中国新文学、新学术、新思想。倘若没有这样的勇气和智慧,今日,我们还躺在老祖宗的身上啃骨头。而那具传统文化的骨头,虽然有其不朽的灵魂和风骨,但当年就早已风烛残年,衰朽不堪。诚然,当年鲁迅、胡适等人,对旧文化说了不少黑暗和恶毒的话,这让辛苦维护旧文化的许多人心痛不已。但没想到的是,新文化不仅没有毁灭旧文化,相反,旧文化却借新文化的西风,获得了一次凤凰涅槃般的蜕变和新生。这应了另一位新文化干将陈序 More than 90 years ago, the new cultural movement was booming. This momentum, vast movement, from the very beginning of a heated debate, this debate, as well as their value judgments, until now there is still controversy. However, at the most basic value standpoint, we have to thank the new culture leaders like Lu Xun and Hu Shi of that year. In addition to the fruitful New Culture Movement seen today, one of the most important intrinsic causes is the courage and wisdom of innovation. Without such courage and wisdom, we can not imagine that there will be today’s new Chinese literature, new academic and new ideas. Without such courage and wisdom, today, we are still lying on our ancestors. And that the bones of traditional culture, although it has its immortal soul and style, but then bleak, decay. It is true that many people, such as Lu Xun and Hu Shi, spoke a lot of dark and vicious words to the old culture that made many people who worked hard to maintain the old culture heartless. However, I did not expect that the new culture not only did not destroy the old culture, on the contrary, the old culture borrowed the new culture of the westerlies and won the transformation and rejuvenation of the Phoenix Nirvana. This should be another new culture
On June 11, Guest City Series for Cultural Heritage Day 2010 was inaugurated at the Xumen Square in Suzhou, a historic city in southeast Jiangsu province. Chine
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这是一次不折不扣的音乐之旅——2011年9月14日,我随浙江交响乐团自上海飞往意大利米兰,从都灵到奥地利维也纳,从捷克布拉格到德国柏林,从瑞典斯德哥尔摩到哥德堡,从比利时布鲁塞尔到法国巴黎……  整整20个日日夜夜,难忘欧洲交响乐之旅。    布拉格倾听东方之声  当地时间9月21日晚,世界三大音乐节之一德沃夏克音乐节首次迎来了中国的交响乐团——浙江交响乐团。捷克国家电视台现场转播了这次“无与伦比