
来源 :安徽大学法律评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:adai1989
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一、总体特点总起来看,1997年新《刑法》实施以来,我国的刑法学研究具有以下显著特点:(一)研究步伐紧跟生活刑法是社会中的刑法,它从来就不是孤立存在的。当代的刑法学者们没有忘记理论研究不能脱离实践、理论研究的根本宗旨是为实践服务的道理,自觉地融入社会变革的大潮中,以社会进步的需要为立论的基础和出发点。新《刑法》施行的七年来,有相当一部分作品都是为祖国的法治建设献计献策、建议建言。主要表现为三个方面:1.对新刑法典如何实施的研讨。经过十几年关于刑法典如何修改、完善的研讨,新《刑法》终于在1997年3月14日通过了。该法典的通过,是推动刑法学研究继续深化的巨大动力,围绕其实施,学界展开了广泛的评介与注释工作,既有对新刑法典的立法背景、 I. General Characteristics In general, since the implementation of the new Criminal Law in 1997, the research on criminal law in our country has the following salient features: (1) The research pace closely follows the life Criminal law is the criminal law in society and has never existed in isolation. Contemporary criminal law scholars have not forgotten that theoretical research can not be divorced from practice. The fundamental purpose of theoretical research is to practice the service principle consciously into the tide of social change and take the need of social progress as the basis and starting point for the argument. In the past seven years after the implementation of the new Criminal Law, quite a few of the works have been devoted to the construction of the rule of law in the motherland and suggested suggestions. Mainly manifested in three aspects: 1. Discussion on how to implement the new criminal code. After a dozen years of discussion on how to amend and perfect the criminal code, the new Criminal Law was finally passed on March 14, 1997. The adoption of the Code is a huge impetus to the further deepening of the study of criminal law. Around its implementation, the academia has conducted a wide range of reviews and annotations, both on the legislative background of the new criminal code,
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Monodisperse Au Pd bimetallic nanoparticles(NPs) with different compositions are synthesized by using oleylamine(OAm) as reducing reagent, stabilizer, and solve
编辑同志 :新闻媒体在关于犯罪案件的报道中 ,经常出现“数罪并罚”的字样 ,什么是“数罪并罚”?请予解释。 文生文生同志 :修订后的新刑法第四章第四节对数罪并罚作了专门规
室性期外收缩541例动态心电图分析附属医院心内科赵长芹,潘秀荣,黎莉,李秀琴收集了1990年11月~1991年5月门诊与住院病人行24小时Holter监测1022例的资料,室性期外收缩(VE)按Lown分级法分为6级,共检出VE541例,3~86岁,... Analysis