引言:“怪胎”还是“宁馨儿”? 1960年,一个名叫齐格弗里德·克拉考尔的德国人在一本名叫《电影的本性——物质现实的复原》的专著中写道:“正像征服者会向被征服者的文化投降一样,电视正日益依靠电影院的食粮来过日子;新玩意儿的吸引力部分地还是要靠旧玩意的经久不衰的影响。”是啊!尽管有许多人不理解,许多人不情愿,但作为“新玩意儿”的电视还是与作为“旧玩意儿”的电影这个“欢喜冤家”结下了不解之缘。二者相互作用、相互影响,一不留神竟然“杂交”出了一个后代:“电视电影”。对这个“后代”,是一个“怪胎”?还是一个“宁馨儿”?几十年
In 1960, a German named Siegfried Klacall wrote in a monograph titled “The Nature of Film - The Rehabilitation of Material Reality.” “Just as conquerors surrender to the conquered culture, television is increasingly relying on cinema food to live its life; the appeal of new gadgets is in part due to the enduring influence of old stuff.” Yes! Although many people do not understand, many people are reluctant, but as a “new gadget” TV or with the “old gadget” movie “happy lover” forged a bond. Interaction between the two, mutual influence, one carelessly even “hybrid” out of a descendant: “TV movie.” For this “offspring” is a “geek” or a “rather sweet child”? Decades