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这十几年,自比较文学研究在中国大陆复兴与重建以来,也曾经是风风火火,很有过声势的。但如今回头评估这一新兴学科近些年来的进展与成果,应该说,目前中国的比较文学,大体上还是处在一种教材多于研究性论著,专题性研究相对滞后于教学的状况。眼下比较文学研究的这样一种现况,其实既合情也合理,并不难理解。因为,当初中国文化和文学界刚刚从“十年动乱”的封闭和停滞状态中挣脱出来,并试图与连同以前“十七年”的偏狭与僵硬一起决裂的时候,人们特别是青年学子们发现了,在惯常和习见的中国文学研究领域之外,还有所谓“比较文学”的学科和研究方法,因此,最急迫、最切实的需求,当然首先是普及性的知识介绍,以及尽可能地广泛地开展这方面的教学。于是,专为大学生们编写与出版的各类各样、格局纷呈的比较文学教材,在短短几年中层出不穷,本是顺理成章的事。如实而言,这些介绍比较文学框架知识的书或是比较文学的教 In the past ten years or so, since the comparative literature study was rejuvenated and rebuilt in mainland China, it was also a very prosperous and very influential one. Now, instead of reviewing the progress and achievements of this emerging discipline in recent years, it should be said that at present comparative literature in China is still mostly in a teaching material more than research papers, while thematic studies lag behind teaching conditions. It is not hard to understand that such a status quo of comparative literature research is actually both reasonable and reasonable. Because at that time Chinese culture and literary circles had just gotten rid of the closed and stagnant state of “ten years of turmoil” and tried to break with the narrowness and rigidity of the past seventeen years, people, especially Young students have discovered that there are so-called “comparative literature” disciplines and research methods beyond the usual and traditional Chinese literary studies. Therefore, the most urgent and practical needs are, of course, first and foremost, universal literacy Introduction, and as much as possible to carry out teaching in this area. As a result, for college students to prepare and publish a wide range of different pattern textbooks of comparative literature, emerged in just a few years, this is a matter of course. As a matter of fact, these books on comparative literary framework or comparative literature teach
国家教委城市教育综合改革委员会办公室郝铁生同志赴日考察企业教育半个月,收获良多。铁生致电我刊, 拟写成《赴日考察散记》,俾使所掌握之情况与材料悉与同行共享。值此扩大
与广告效益实现持续增长一路走好的兄弟媒体不同,石家庄电视台媒体广告成长经历了一个由强势到危机、又在危机中进取的发展过程。 2000年,仅拥有一套频道资源的石家庄电视台
分析了空分设备保冷箱保温层内的换热过程,对保冷箱密封不严引起的跑冷损失作了估算,提出了改善保冷箱密封性及避免塔顶珠光砂冻结的措施。图4。 The heat exchange process
When one end of an air-dry igneous rock block was uniaxially loaded in laboratory,there appeared an electromotive force that made electric currents flow from th
《电化教育研究》杂志伴随着我国电化教育事业的重新起步 ,跨越了 2 0多年的风雨历程 ,迎来了喜庆出刊 10 0期。在百期纪念之际 ,回顾她的诞生、成长和发展 ,自有一番理性的
在周期数据测量中常会有偏心误差、形状误差和偶然误差。为了提高测量准确度,常常要消除偏心误差。本文的目的是对常用偏心误差公式进行简化,使其提高计算速度。 Eccentricity