日本NTT(电信电话公司)最近试验成功比目前高速、大容量通信信息量大上百倍的新一代宽带通信。其单波长光每秒可传送10E15字节的信息。使用这种技术,可同时传送100万种不同的动画图像。采用目前的通信技术,其传输距离仅为70 km,而采用NTT开发的新技术,
Japan’s NTT (Telecommunications Telephone Company) recently tested a new generation of broadband communications that is more successful than today’s high-speed, high-volume communications. Its single wavelength light can transmit 10E15 bytes of information per second. With this technology, you can send 1 million different animated images at the same time. Using the current communication technology, the transmission distance of only 70 km, and the use of NTT development of new technologies,